Wednesday, January 8, 2014

pretty boring stuff

Getting ready for the tradeshow season is a mess. It shouldn't be and every year we think we are totally going to be ready and then January comes and we feel like Spring is already on our heels!

This year at least we won't be launching a ridiculous amount of products, we are in fact only cleaning up our act and making things finally make sense.

Things should be a lot better this year, we just received an email from the restaurant chain we have been working so hard to sell to, they really should have our green tea powder, but at the moment they are only touching on the tendered product, which is awesome, we love to create new things and tendering allows us to do just that. But... the green tea, seriously, they would have people blogging about this, they could make a big fuss about it! They would have FANS! But how to show them this? How to create a following for a product? Innocent smoothies got it right, but somehow that seems like a cinderella story, seriously, what are the chances of anyone finding our glass slipper or of us finding an "ada madrina?!" pretty slim methinks.

Off the grinder...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Can this be the year?!

As 2013 ended and we welcomed 2014, the cliches start rolling in. Singing, feeling depressed, feeling like you didn't quite achieve what you wanted to achieve last year all start flooding in. At this point, you start thinking, 2014, now.. this is my year!

Can it be the case? What does this mean? For me it's too simple. Health and Money. I want another year of having everybody I know enjoy a happy and healthy year. It is so cliche, I know, but that's what really matters. Having said that, I know that having money (lots and lots of it) is exactly what I need. Everything would be better with just a bit more in the bank.

Fine. I should also say loose weight. I really should. Although, having more money, one could argue, would really fix this too as I wouldn't have to penny pinch everything at the supermarket and I could buy as many green vegetables and chicken breasts as I very well please instead of worrying if what I'm buying fits into our £25 a month budget.

Today it's the 6th. It's the first day off the couch in nearly a week, not counting of course tennis and shopping which were the highlight of the season.

First things first, set some goals. Where do I want to be in January 2015? What does my life look like? What does it REALLY look like, not what do I think would really sound good for it to look like, if that makes any sense. Cut the bullshit and get on with it type of situation.

I am a size UK14, that's realistic, not too difficult. UK12 if I decide midway through the year I really need to crank things up. Long hair. I'm not cutting the bastard this year! We have the exact same shitty life, but with one major difference, we have the house back in Vancouver. All the stuff is out of the storage and Agavito is back in its home. We still have a tight budget for everything, but hey, we live in 2 continents, so... whatever. Also, I'm fit. Not fit like UK fit, I mean fit as in things don't hurt and I'm strong again. I can do everything! I can move, lift, etc. We are also selling our teas into 5 markets.

Life is not perfect, but it's getting there. Ok, still 12 months until that statement is true, and it's going to be tough, but bring it on I say. BRING IT ON.